Our vision of the developments in asset management
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Ype Wijnia and John de Croon periodically give their vision on an asset management issue. These columns will be translated and published on the underlying pages. In a loosely way the major asset management themes are briefly discussed.
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6 July 2018 • Ype Wijnia and John de Croon
Sustainable holiday
This afternoon the summer holiday officially begins[1]. Now the first thing you apparently do in the summer holidays is getting stuck in the traffic jam. We do not quite understand that, trafficking is far below the optimal speed, from any point of view.… read more >>
29 June 2018 • Ype Wijnia and John de Croon
Air reflections
Mirrors are horrible things, especially early in the morning it can be quite scary[1]. They inexorably return what you put into it, no more and no less. But they do change a bit, they turn around front and rear[2]. For us it seems as if left and right… read more >>
22 June 2018 • Ype Wijnia and John de Croon
Farmer's cleverness
Over the past few years, the livestock sector has been in the news with some regularity, the sector has been facing economic difficulties. For example, the chicken sector in our country suffers from the fipronil affair and there are dairy farmers who… read more >>