
Asset management services

AssetResolutions offers consultancy services and in-house developed tools, with which you quickly achieve results and meet requirements from relevant standards. 




Click in the process or in the menu (right) for more information. Our vision in implementation is described below.



The introduction of asset management requires a great effort in creating support, designing processes, possibly reorganize the organization and train employees. Best practice Asset Managers needed a period of about 5 years from their first introduction to asset management to the point that the large-scale deployment is completed. However, these best practice Asset Managers had to invent and develop almost everything. With our reference models based on these experiences, especially untill the large-scale deployment a lot of time can be won (indicative times, depending on size, effort and degree of acceptance of our reference models).

Part of the reference models are the essential elements 'risk management' and 'systematic work'. This allows us to fulfill our motto 'Processing risk', where the principle 'less is more' is applied.

Below the development in asset management maturity is shown.

1. Awareness 2. Creating the preconditions 3. Develop the organisation 4. Learn to work in the model 5. Roll out 6. Continuous improvement
Usefulness and necessity asset management
Stakeholder analysis

Process architecture: Asset Management process, sub-processes, work processes and activities

Competence models, gaps and competence requirements
Pilot cases
Basic training key staff
Learning environment (workshops with practical cases) e.g. SAMP, risk register, program register,
prioritised annual plan,
agreements, order book, program management)
Procedures, work instructions, tools
Transfer to line organization
Basic training entire organization
Final process outputs
Implementation IT (e.g. document system, risk register, Bowtie Builder, portfolio plan, maintenance planning)
Finalise planning
Determine AM objectives
Detailed training all staff e.g. risk management
Internal audit
First management review
Test audit, complete punches
Certification (ISO 55001, ISO 9001, 14001, 18001)
Continuous improvement by management control AM system




Acceleration is achieved by making use of in house developed tools which have proven itself and which can be made customer specific easily.

Nederlands English Duits

P.O. Box 30113
8003 CC Zwolle
The Netherlands
+31 6 - 30 18 68 94
VAT NL8231.48.919.B01

